My beautiful daughter turns eleven today. It was just a blink ago that she was born, in the middle of the night, on a crisp Saturday morning in Boston.
Eleven years of motherhood has changed me, and you've become a person I'd wish to be friends with if I were your age. As I write, you are enjoying a sleepover party…
If you're a parent, there's a 2013 op-ed, which was published in the New York Times which is not to be missed. It's entitled "The Passion Of Parenting." You can read it here:
The author has been a single father for thirteen years, and his children are all getting ready to leave home. For…
“All adventures, especially into new territory, are scary”
Last weekend, we flew to Charlotte, N.C., to spend the long weekend with close family friends. Time with them is always a treat, as our kids line up almost perfectly in age, and they look forward to our visits as much as we do. Most…
All this happened today before 8:30 a.m., and all of it made me smile.
Part # 1: The Music Teacher
My kids have a new music teacher. I guess she's o.k. because my son HATED music last year and he says it's not bad this year. Since Hadley had music today, we were talking…
Every winter, I ski with my good friend from college, K. K is beautiful inside and out. She is this way on this inside because she is smart, kind, and very funny. She is beautiful on the outside because she works very hard at it. She is tall, strong and fit. She has run marathons…
Typically at this time of year I write about how depressed I am that summer is over. Nothing has changed in that regard. We are on day two of school and already I'm drowning in paperwork and racing around to get the kids off on time. Activities are in full swing, we have three soccer…