I recommend the movie About Time to anyone who is a parent. Domhnall Gleeson started out in my mind as a complete nerd, but by the end I was left feeling that he was a handsome stud with his priorities in all the right places. Rachel McAdams is completely adorable, from her thick, bang-filled hair to her Julia-Roberts-like-smile. They made a wonderful pair. I also loved Bill Nighy, who played the dad. Even if you find yourself not as enthralled as you would like with the story, it’s hard to not enjoy watching a film filled completely with British accents and some beautiful scenery.
Without giving it away, the movie involves time travel, and will have you thinking about your own life. What if I could go back? What would I say, and how would I make things different? One scene on the beach reminded me of my husband, who lost his Dad before we were married. I know he would give the world to change things, if only for a few moments. Considering the impossible highlights the fragility of life and the need to cherish every moment we have.
My favorite quote was the closing line of the movie:
“We’re all traveling through time together every day of our lives. All we can do is try our best to relish this remarkable ride.”