Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
I am sharing 12 quotes for my daughter to live by as she celebrates this milestone birthday. Today, my daughter turned twelve. TWELVE. One dozen years since my husband and…
Ever wonder what you are going to do with the extra square tiles you have sitting in your basement from that bathroom renovation 7 years ago? You can make coasters!…
My mother-in-law deserves all the credit for this project. Even though we're going to talk about trash cans, it's a very creative and a fun way to decorate. It's also…
We are sitting on the eve of a two-month eating spree. Healthy options will make you feel and look better this holiday season. I love baked goods, and have made…
Yes, you CAN easily make a pillow!
Project level: Beginner
***If you don’t sew, and have no desire to, but love the idea of updating your house with new pillows,…