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Healthy Fruit Smoothie


I’ve seen the super fit crowd drinking coconut water a lot lately. Being the girl who is always ten steps behind every trend, I was curious.  Unfortunately, I quickly found out that I do not like the taste of it alone at all.  Unsure what to do with the several cartons I had purchased, I decided to try and make a smoothie using coconut water.  I’m happy to report that the result was delicious.

Smoothies are filling and take a long time to drink, which is always a plus if you’re a person of many vices like me.   There are also a zillion ways you can modify smoothies.


2-4 ice cubes

1/2 frozen banana

2/3 c. total of frozen mango, pineapple, and strawberries

1 2/3 c. coconut water

1 tsp. honey (optional)

Modification: if you can tolerate dairy, I would definitely add 1/2  small container of Greek yogurt to this.


Put everything in the blender. BLEND until smooth.  Adjust liquid for desired consistency.
